A Tale of 4 Micks

A Tale of 4 Micks

Friday, May 31, 2013

Road trippin'

We left this morning for Arlington, Texas, to join the fun of the Hot Rod Power Tour. Here's the schedule for the week, 

We are only going to Memphis and then we'll head for home on Wednesday. 

We went two years ago, with a two year old and a 3 month old, so the packing was way crazy then, this time it was a breeze to pack for. 

We left shortly before 10:30 this morning and documented out first stop, lunch and fuel. 

One of the things that Adam and I do to pass time is look for all the different license plates and take pictures of the state signs we enter. So far, we have twelve different plates and the welcome to Missouri sign. Currently, we are headed for real dark clouds. And, it just started raining on us. For the second time. 

Also, we have experienced wasabi peas. Adam has renamed them to, 'nose clearers'. If you've had them, you understand the name. We just can't keep our hands out of the bag. We like the burn too much. 

I plan on updating daily. Maybe once. Maybe twice. Maybe I'll forget or be too tired, but I'll be sure to share our adventure. 

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