A Tale of 4 Micks

A Tale of 4 Micks

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Easter weekend

Adam had Good Friday off so we headed to Albia for a few days. The weather was pretty nice that Friday and Saturday, so we spent a lot of time outside. The kids played on the swing set and with the dogs. They even got to feed the goats with Nana.

Nana got a new toy, so her and Fletcher went for a drive in her new mini cooper convertible. While they were gone, Brynlee and I walked next door to my grandparents' house friday to hang with her greats. 

Later that evening, my Uncle Mike came over to get Fletcher and me, to head out to see his new baby calves. There was one particular calf that he was feeding off of a cow that lost her baby. Fletcher got a first hand experience, as my (our) uncle let him lead the calf to where he needed to be. Fletcher thought he was pretty big stuff doing that.  

Saturday afternoon, we left Pops and Nana's right around lunchtime and headed next door for lunch with the greats and Uncle Mike. My grandparents enjoy the kids so much and the kids enjoy them as well. He visited over our meal and then headed for Des Moines since it was past nap time and I had a little girl who was getting very crabby.

It was a fun few days hanging out with the family that we wouldn't be spending time with on Easter. 

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